Big Cypress Nat'l Preserve - Kirby Storter Roadside Park
On Friday 09-03-2010, I headed out to Big Cypress Natl Preserve - Kirby Storter Roadside Park. I can't express enough how very, very dark this place is! If you haven't yet's a must.
From my home in Davie Florida it's about a 2 hour drive to the south west. The arm of the Milky Way was spectacular via naked eye and thru my binoculars, what a sight. Definatly the darkest site i have been to yet. I was set up and ready to go by 9:30 and set my sights on the Bubble Nebula and M52.
The Bubble Nebula and M52 taken from Big Cypress Natl Preserve - Kirby Storter Roadside Park Forida. Camera SXVR-M25C
Charles Lillo